The GE Healthcare MR User Club is an excellent way for all MRI users to learn and develop expertise. It provides an opportunity for networking, mentoring, and collaboration in the MR space.
In a recent event held in Lagos Nigeria, MR users gathered from across Nigeria for a one-day training on Diffusion Weighted Imaging. Vinodha Murugan, Advanced Clinical Education Specialist for Sub-Saharan Africa delivered the lectures. Teachings on DWI image acquisition, protocol manipulation, its applications on various body parts and new innovations from GE among others were all covered. Clinical Education Specialist for Nigeria, Ghana and Angola, Nesom Modebelu encouraged more participation by MR users within the region to ensure optimal use of their equipment. Ayodele Akinwunmi, the MR Modality Specialist for GE healthcare thanked all the participants for coming and reassured members their commitment to continuous education within the GE MR user family.