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Sunday, February 16, 2025
Everything Radiography

The Secrets of Building a Successful Medical Outfit in Nigeria

-Felix Erondu BS.C, MS.C, MHA, Ph.D Building a successful medical diagnostics business starts with recognizing what a business actually is. Healthcare is a “commodity”. It...

Dr Emmanuel Ehiwe MBGCS, PhD, FRSPH

Advanced Practitioner Ultrasound / Consultant Public Health Practitioner A SHORT PROFILE Dr Ehiwe began his career in 1994 when he qualified as a radiographer from the...

Exclusive Interview with the Managing Director Paramount Medical Services

(ER AWARD WINNING DIAGNOSTIC CENTER) Mr Kenechukwu K. Obianodo Can you tell us how Paramount Medical Services all started? Paramount Medical Services (PMS) was founded in...

Writing for publication by Prof. Richard Price

Prof. Price is the senior manager and Dean of the School of Health and Social Work. He is also the academic and resource manager...

Reflective Practice In Radiography

IMPROVING PROFESSIONALISM IN NIGERIA by - Rajuno Eteng As medical practitioners, especially in clinical settings, we are usually faced with challenging, life-threatening situations. The tendencies...

History of the ISRRT

Fifteen national societies formed the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologist (ISRRT) in 1962. In 2006 it has grown to 80 member societies... The...

Dermatopathology by Dr Dolamu Jawando

Dermatopathology is a subspecialty of pathology, which has to do with the study of skin diseases. It includes the study of the causes, course,...

Radiation Protection of the patient during computed tomography procedures

Adejoh, Tom; Ogbonna, K. Joshua; Onuegbu, C. Nnamdi;  Nwefuru, O.  Stanley Radiology  Department, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, Nigeria; adtoms@yahoo.com; joshuakayceogbonna@gmail.com; nwefurustanley@gmail.com; onuegbun@gmail.com Introduction Over the...


About Nigerian Healthcare Excellence Awards On Friday June 24th, 2016, all roads led to the Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos where the third...

Diary of a Radiography Student in Northern Nigeria

Going down memory lane of the past 5 years, and finally graduating, it's has been a bitter-sweet experience but definitely more sweet than bitter....
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Radpid Diagnostics